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Nov 22, 2011

The Xpilicit Truth

Dear Xplicit Truth,
 I'm a 21 year old student that is 6 months pregnant with my first child. My fiance and I have been together for 3 years we have been best friends since the age of 11. 7months ago we moved into an apartment with 2 other roommates. Last month the 2 roommates moved out because they were unable to afford to keep living there which has left it up to me and my fiance to try and pay all the bills plus rent.We both are unemployed, our car has been repossessed and as of now the only option we have is to break our lease and move back with his parents in their 2 bedroom apartment that has 4 other people living there already.I'm just at a lost on what to do.

Mom overboard

Dear Mom Overboard,
           Your situation is very complicated and it seems as if your options are limited because your finances are non existing and your expecting a child. Not only will you be entering a living situation where you will be sharing a small living space with 4 other people, In 3 months you will be having a child. My best advice to you is go live with your future in laws and you and your fiance communicate and agree on a set date that you want to be out. Obviously your fiance should be seeking employment and as soon as your available to so should you. I wish I could give you advice that would lift your spirits. I wish you luck and congrats on your new baby.

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