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Nov 22, 2011

5 Tips To Protect Your Child From Sex Offenders

I Cringed when I logged on to California Megan's Law and saw that there are 138 Sex Offenders living within my surrounding area. With the media swirling around the Jerry Sandusky  case. My mind immediately went to one question. How do I keep my daughter safe?

Check Out 5 Skills and messages to teach your child.

1. Be Aware Of Your Surroundings
 If something doesn't look or feel right, walk away.  Get to a safe space.

2. Recognize Inappropriate Touch
In this day and age parents should talk with their children about which kind of adult touch is appropriate and which is not. Point to the parts that are okay for adult touch as well as the ones that are no. Teach your children the proper names their private parts. Sex offenders have admitted that the easiest children to victimize were the ones who did not know the proper names.

3. Recognize And Stay Away From Known Offenders
If there is a known dangerous person in your neighborhood, warn your child(ren) who that is and tell them to avoid that person.

4. Know How To Get Help
We teach our children to respect adults, which in turn our children are very compliant when being told to do something by and adult. So it is important not only to help them recognize a situation that is dangerous or inappropriate, but to teach them how to get help. Let your children know "that other adults – including you – are around in the neighborhood and they should run for help if they are approached and scream.

5. Know That You Can Always Come To Me
 You child(ren) should always be reassured that you are there to protect them and they should always talk to you about situations or people that make them feel uncomfortable.

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