Search For More Round Up

Nov 23, 2011

Stripping a Father of His Rights When He's Not in the Picture


I found an article and the topic of discussion was "Is it OK to strip a father of his rights if he is not in the picture?"

I could dedicate my entire blog to this subject. I am oh to familiar with the absentee parent scenario, but however, I can say that I am on the fence on whether I completely agree with the parental rights being totally stripped away.  California does have a Grounds for Termination of Parental Rights Statue.

In this article over 50 women shared their stories of abandonment, abuse, or the child's father never even being interested in knowing their child. I have realized a lot of times in my own personal situation that I feel alone in this, although I know that millions of women ( sad as it sounds) are in my exact same situation. So stumbling across this article gave me a sense of normalcy. Which lead to other questions.

Do you allow other family members of the absentee parent to have a relationship with your child?
What age is appropriate to tell the child about their absentee parent?

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