Search For More Round Up

Dec 25, 2011

Happy Holidays

I want to wish all my readers and supporters a very merry Christmas. Thank you for all of your love, support, and feedback, I would like to dedicate this post to my Mother.

Dear Mom,

I know it isn’t, much but I’ve decided to write you a little letter to tell you everything you mean to me. Everything I love about myself comes from you. My eyes, my ability to smile and laugh at myself. My perseverance, and ability to tell myself “It’ll all turn out in the end”. You taught me everything about life, from the most basic things like tying my laces and saying my ABC’s to much more complex things. I’m sure you’ve watched me walk into situations that you knew were going to hurt, but the thing that lets me know how much you care is that you let me go into them. Had I been totally sheltered from life I’d never learn the beauty of resilience.   

It’s so hard to find a present for you  this year because I realized, that I don’t give you as much credit as you deserve. I can’t express in words what you give to me without even knowing it. Your doing an amazing job being my mother, and an spectacular job as a grandmother. I know I don't tell you enough how much I love you and feel blessed to have you as my mother.  I can’t imagine my life without you and I don’t even want to try. We’re growing old together and I wouldn’t have it any other way. 

Love you  Mom

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