Search For More Round Up

Nov 20, 2011

10 Year Old Girl Attacks Teacher and Threatens TO Kill Her and Her Family Over A Bag Of Candy

10 year old 5th grader Miesha Bryant has been charged with felony battery on a school employee. According to the student became  upset with the teacher when she took a bag of candy from her. The child admits to being angry and pushing papers off the desk. According to a report the student hit the teacher in the stomach and threaten to kill her and her family.
Before I get started on what I would do to my child . I want to take a moment and vent about this child's mothers reaction and response. "I know my children" Psst I looked a video of your child for 2:32 and can tell you that she did it. "she is as innooncent as she looks on her mug shot. Chile I'm too through.

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