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Dec 1, 2011

Mommas Baby....Daddy's Maybe

I saw a question posted on Twitter that asked "Could you ever put your parents in a home?" This subject has come up amongst my friends and family a few times and I have always said I could never put my parents in a home not even hospice. Although my mom thinks that I would go Kathy Bates "Misery" if out ever came to a point that she needed constant care. I understand that everyone has their own opinions and they are entitled to them, which It's why I love my blog. I can give my opinion without being interrupted.

As I saw the responses to the question being retweeted, about 60% said they wouldn't put their mom in one, but their dad was a whole nother story. Sadly it showed how many absentee fathers were/are out there. It forced me to look at my own situation.

I have a relationship with my father, but I have the "father-daughter"relationship with my stepfather. Without a second thought I know I would NOT put my stepfather in a home, but my bio, I would probably have to weigh out my options. Ironically I feel no guilt about it either.

I guess that's what happens when it's mommas baby daddy's maybe. However I think this saying should be revamped to "mommas baby , my step daddy raised me"

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