Search For More Round Up

Nov 19, 2011

This Weeks CPS Avoidance Tactic: How To Parent Without Yelling

So according to an article in Circle Of Moms there is a way you can get your kid(s) to listen without yelling, threatening to shorten their existence, or looking over your shoulder to see if anyone is watching that might have Children's Services on speed dial. Some non black chick (of course) by the name of Sharon Silver believes the first step in this is knowing the difference between "Responding and Reacting",

How is " Responding" different from "Reacting"?

According to Sharon:
"Responding begins in your heart. Responding allows a parent to remain calm and firm at the same time, which is the key to unlocking the "I'm Not Listening Barrier."

" Reacting forces compliance. Responding wins cooperation."

"Reacting is born from anger. Responding is created from empathy, not sympathy."

Blah Blah Blah. My mom went upside my head anytime I got out of line she didn't care enough  nor needed to take the time out to decipher what emotion she was feeling. 9 times out of 10 it was auto reflex.

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