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Nov 22, 2011

Justin Bieber's Baby MaMa Drama


Am I the only one that is getting annoyed with this circus act that the media is producing by giving Mariah Yeaters  her 15 minutes of fame? There have been plenty of celebrity groupies that have either been knocked up or allegedly knocked up by a celeb, so is it this chick gets all of this coverage? You know what I think Chris Brown is the father of my 5 year old daughter. As a matter of fact it's actually Shannon Brown, and I know he is the father for sure because that one dream I had one night was too real for it to not have actually happened.

Somebody get in contact with Maury for me and tell him I need to take a test. My apologies to Monica, but this was before you honey. Just as crazy as I sound saying that as a joke on this blog, it's multiplied when the media gets involved and escalates the nonsense.

However I do feel as if Justin is handling this situation very maturely. His team is doing an excellent job on making sure this matter doesn't go too far *eye roll*. Justin submitted his DNA on Friday, November 21,2011 now we are waiting for Yeater to have the test administered on her son. I guess I will follow up on the results *shrugs*

***updated to correct typographical errors***

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